
I don't know what kind of music you are into but here is a band I really like. They are (like me) from Sweden and are getting more and more popular. Here is their first music video, enjoy!

Also don't forget to like me on facebook. There I post when I have written something new or just
when I feel like shouting something funny/intresstung out.

Screaming Eagles - Sabaton.

Just go with it.

Due to an internet problem of mine i haven't been able to write new entries for a few days and I'm very sorry about that, but don't worry I haven't stopped blogging, not at all and now I have my internet back so expect some more posts now in the future. So here I am again and I though I would write about "Just go with it" the newest of the Adam Sandler movies.

When it comes to Adam Sandler comedies they vary a lot in my oppinion, atleast over the latest years.
We all remember titles like happy gilmore, waterboy, big daddy etc and they are almost considered classics all of them, and they are all great and also quite similar in style.

I'm a big fan of Mr.Sandler and so I have watched almost all of his movies. From like 2005 and forward his movies tend to be very family friendly so that is why i liked "don't mess with the Zohan" the humor is diffrent, riddiculus and over the top almost like austin powers or something, which I find hillarious. I also liked "Funny People" which is also something he usuallt doesn't do. There he plays a comedian who's got a fatal disease and struggles to fix his very broken personal life but also stay on top of his career. In my oppinion his best movie in a long time.
Then we have bedtime stories and grown ups which I didn't like at all and weren't very funny or special.

But anyhow, I could talk about Adam Sandler movies for a whole day but this is a review of "Just go with it" so I'll stick to that for now.

Guess who's the comic-relief of the movie???

Danny Mccabee (Adam Sandler) is a successfull plastic sergeon who spends his weekends on the pub picking up women by pretending he is married. On one such occasion he meets the stunning Palmer (Brooklyn Decker)
and they spend the night together on the beach. Palmer then by accident finds the fake wedding ring that Danny had put in his pocket before. Danny now has to convince Palmer that he is in fact married but is getting a divorce.
To play his wife is his assistant Katherine (Jennifer Aniston). When Katherine by accident speaks about her children Palmer believes they are Dannys too and it all ends up with the whole brady bunch going to hawaii and there things start to get really confusing for all of the involved.

Palmer (Brooklyn Decker)

This isn't the funniest or best Adam Sandler movie but it certainly isn't the worst one.
There are some romantic-movie clichés but that's ok. I actually enjoyed this movie quite alot,
it never slowed down and went boring instead it kept a steady and good flow throughout the whole movie.
I even litterally laughed out loud at two times, and there were many funny moments a little here and there.

In the end Just Go With It is a "what you would expect" movie, maybe evenb a little better.
Some classic Adam Sandler-moments. Just a fun and relaxing movie to summarize it.

The score is 6,5 out of 10. I could recommend it.

Game of thrones

I just really quick wanted to recommend a quite new series that I have been watching.
It's called Game of Thrones and is a medieval/fantasy series about kings, monsters, conflicts and a great awaitening threat. I'm not going to go deeper into the plot but I can say you probably won't regret it if you start watching this.
With an average score of 9,4 of 10 on IMBD with almost 10,000 votes it's the best score for a tv-series I have ever seen. What i also found interesting is that the average score from men was 9,4 and 9,5 from females.
If that means that men are more restrictive with giving good score or if women simply likes the series more in general I don't know.

Well that's probably all for now, just wanted to recommend this really quick. Make sure to check it out!

Also: Boromir! Aka Sean Bean :)

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Oh well here it is, I finally saw the latest pirates of the carribean movie.
I said before that I expected it to be quite bad but that I would try to disregard that fact when I watched it, and I did.
I will tell you what I thoughy soon enough but first a short recap of the movie. (no major spoilers)

Captain Jack Sparrow is in London and in attempt of rescuing his old shipman Gibbs.
He himself becomes captured by a Brittish duke who is after the fountain of youth. Sparrow has by chance got a map of the location of the fountain. The duke has also made a deal with the old captain Barbarossa, who now has aquired a grand wooden leg, to find the fountain for him. Jack as always manages to escape from the grasping brittish hands
and in his search for a new ship he stumbles upon Angelica (Penelopé Cruz) who is an old love of him and the daughter of captain blackbeard. After some swordfighting and wrecking an old pub Sparrow finds himself knocked out and the next thing he knows he is aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge and a captive of the infamous and terryfing captain blackbeard.
But not only the brittish and captain Blackbeard are after the fountain of youth and when the spanish gets involved it becomes a wild race for the source of lasting youth.

Barbarossa has turned Brittish.

One thing that was in favour for this movie was that it was better than it's predecessor, which is maybe not something hard to beat but anyways that's alteast a step in the right direction. A let-down was the lack of Kiera Knightley which in itself is a negative thing ;) Otherwise it was what you would expect it to be, and probably what most people following the series wants it to be; a crazy adventure whith a little bit of (in my opinion) not so funny humor and some wild action sequences. Johnny Depp manages to carry the movie a bit with his nice acting but the it was a bit too not groundbreaking if you get what I mean. It was intresting and all but felt like all the other movies in the series and in my opinion if you are insisting on making so many movies about the same thing you have to come up with something new and suprising to keep my intrest, which it didn't do according to me.

So after having said that I think the score will be a 6 out of 10. Quite well made and a grand adventure and all but not as inventive or intresting as I would have wanted it to be. All the pirates fans can keep calm though, you probably get what you want/expect. The captain is still at it.

Pirates babbling

Hm I don't feel like doing a movie review right now, I was supposed to have seen the new pirates of the carribean movie today but it didn't turn out that way. I'll probably watch it at some point and make a review about it then instead.
Maybe I'll just talk a little about the whole pirates series. I liked the first movie, it was the best of them all in my oppinion. I thought the second one was ok, watchable atleast but the third one was so aweful there are no words.
I mean there is a point even in fantasy movies where things have gone too far. A curse on a pirate ship that makes the pirates undead at night and all that is ok, but flying a ship of the earth and into the land of the dead and bringing people back to life and all that is in my oppinion just too much. My point is, expecting the fourth movie to follow the trend it will probably be worse than aweful, but I will try to be fair to it.

I also watched the movie "the ringer" Johnny Noxville's (from jackass) first leading role in a motion picture other than jackass of course. He plays a guy who trys to infiltrate a bunch of mentally handicaped people to win the paralympics to win a bunch of money. It's dangerous ground for a comedy to build humor at the expense of retards.
The movie ends up beeing a half-funny family comedy and the most cliché/predictable movie I have seen in a long time.
It was ok I guess. Oh here we go, I did a review although I said I wouln't, ah well might as well give it a score then.
Probably like 5,5 out of 10.


When you are in my "business" after a while you start to get pretty good at recognizing celebrities and
actors in particular.  And so now I can say I know most fairly big actors ans celebrities and so when I see someone
who looks like someone else I have to make one of these pictures. Some are better than others and many times it's just about finding matching pictures or angles for the perfect match.

So here are a few of the look-alike pictures I have made in the past year or so.

We Who Love Movies

I don't know if you have noticed it but i made a facebook page for my blog and it's called "We Who Love Movies"
You can like it or just check it out here or just click on the large icon in the index bar to the right.
I would appreciate it, I try to promote my blog and get more readers so if you like what I write here and all please do me the favour and click like. I will post some funny stuff there and put out a link when i write something new.
Oh and don't forget to recommend it to your friends :) Helps me out.

So for now I am only going to post some music that I like and you hopefully will like too.
I'm kinda into symphonic metal and such at the moment and these are my favourite songs and bands at the moment:

Eternitas - Satyrian

Hunger - Amaranthe

Dance of the manatee - Fair to Midland

I will talk to you later and maybe put out a review of the classic movie "Willow". And yeah the movie by lucas arts from the 80s, not "whip my hair" willow.

How Do You Know?

Well this is one of the movies you just take a look at the cover and you know what it's going to be all about.

Here is another:

There is nothing that says: "this is a warm comedy about love and other feelings" more than a bunch of diffrent pictures of people stacked on each other.

We get it allready!!! And yeah "How Do You Know?" is one of those movies.

One other thing that gives it away is the sole fact that Paul Rudd is a main character, he is as good as Hugh Grant at playing diverse roles, and yes I was ironic. Don't get me wrong here I do think Paul Rudd is a fairly good actor he just seems to always do these kinds of roles.

Lisa (reese witherspoon) gets together with a guy (Owen Wilson) and at first it seems to be a good relationship but then she meets George (Paul Rudd) and she starts having second thoughts about what she´s feeling and guess who she finds out to be her true love at the end of the movie? Oh I wonder...

Watching "How Do You Know?" felt like driving a car or eating a sandwich, kind of numb and mindless.
It wasn't good and it wasn't bad, just "ok" all the way. There were some funny moments that made me smile and so on but nothing memerable in particular and nothing new or creative in the romantic parts.

I guess the score would be 5 out of 10, not bad but still not good. A complete "ok" movie.

Interview with a Reader

Interview with Reader of ortmastern blogg



1. Describe yourself shortly

I'm a student with a busy schedule. I don't have much time to watch bad movies so it's good to go to the blogg and see which ones to watch ;)



2.  Why do you read

I don't have much time to watch many movies so it's nice to get inspiration from somewhere if the time to watch a movie comes. Also I read the blogg for pure entertainment, the reviews are always funny and "educationalist" like Ali G would say.



3. What was the latest movie you saw and what did you think?

I think it was machete, it was entertaining, it's a movie that you can watch without following the plot.



4. What is your all time favourite movie?  Tell me about it.

V for vendetta I think. I like the idea how rationality must win and how the people fight against dogma and stupid hierarchy. The movie is exciting but doesn't contain to much violence or stupid action, it's overall good.


Random picture:


Here are som quick two alternative questions



Would you rather;

1. Eat 1 kg poo for breakfast every day for the rest of your life.

2. Amputate your legs and ride on a pony 24/7 for the rest of your life (even inside your house).

Answer and motivate: I'd eat the poo, I think i would learn to do it, perhaps I would puke but still the rest of my life would be the same!



1. Marry a retarded donkey and become it’s housewife and you are not allowed to leave your house for the rest of your life.

2. Not shower  or change clothes for the rest of your life and every time you have to go to the toilet you have to do it in your pants.



Motivate: Not shower, I would live as a savage in the woods, there i don't have pants nor need a toilett. Would not be a good life i think but better than living with the monkey!



1. Watch sex and the city four hours every day for the rest of your life

2. Have an MP3 player with the Swedish singer Carola in your ears 24/7 playing the “catched by a storm-wind” on average loudness for the rest of your life.



Motivate: The carola song, i would still be able to do everything that i normally do but with the mp3 player. My ears would probably get destroyed though cause of the constant noise.



Here are some two alternative questions:


Coffee  or  tea? coffee!!!

Water of beer? BEEER :D

Britney Spears or Paris Hilton? Britney Spears since she does not own i Chihuahua I think??

Play station 3 or xbox360? Uhh, I can use the playstation as a toaster!

George Bush or Osama bin Ladin?  Yuck, non of them!




What would you like to see more/less of in the future on the blog?

More of everything! I think the movie reviews are really good and entertaining, it's nice though when you comment on some other stuff!




Thank you for answering my questions, the word is yours to say whatever you want to the readers or me now:


Make more entries! Comment on more movies! Try to make the readers interact with the blogg, this interview is a good initiative, keep up the good work! :)




As an ending, here is another random picture for no reason.


The Mask

Hello everyone, I just wanted to make a quick review of a movie I saw again today, a classic Jim Carrey comedy; The mask.

It came out in 1994 and I remember watching it when I was younger. It is based on the cartoon with the same name
and therefore there are many sequences in the film who are almost lika a cartoon like him howling like a with a wolf's head or spinning like a twister for example. This character is really one of the most wild/crazy/hillarious character to hit the big screen and I can only love him.

Jim Carrey fits for this role as the hand fits the glove, actually I don't think the movie could have even been made weren't it for him. His body language and grimaces are a one in a kind and this movie is from the hight of his career right after doing ace ventura and then it just kept going. I would love to see another comedy from him in the ace ventura/mask/liar liar style. I think as he gets older he feels like he needs to do more drama acting and by doing so beeing more dignified but I say let it loose once again man, this is your ace.

Anyhow the mask is about a man named Stanley Ipkiss who works at a bank and lives a life where everyone is stepping on him. He meets a client one day (Cameron Diaz) but he doesnät have the guts to hit on her.
One day after beeing throw out of a club and his car breaking down in the middle of nowhere he finds a mask floating in the water. As he puts it on he becomes the crazy person he wants to be but not dare otherwise.
With the green mask he runs around town doing all sorts of crazy stuff and he finally hits on the girl.
Soon both the police and the maffia are after the mask and the otherwise so shy Stanley Ipkiss finds himself in a very strange position.

The Mask beeing crazy like always.

This is actually the movie that Cameron Diaz broke through in, just as a fun trivia.

The Mask is a really funny and one of a kind movie. For me it is nostalgia from my childhood watching this but I still love it as much as i did 15 years ago (or something) when I first saw it. Jim Carrey is carrying (no pun intended) the role and does it wonderfully. Crazy action and comedy and just a lovable and funny movie that still works even today.

My score is 7 out of 10, go see it and laugh!

Some fans still linger.

Battle Royal

The japanese kind of cult movie about a 9th grade school class battling it out to the death.
Already there it is weird but then on the other hand the japanese aren't famous for beeing normal.

The whole building of the plot is to me quite strange and unjustified, the young don't respect the elder anymore and the crime rates have gone wild. To solve this the government passes a law where every year a randomly selected 9th grade school class have to kill each other in the battle royal game to make exapmle of. Just seems like a very strange foundation to me but ok.

After three days if there are more than one student left on the isolated island the neckstraps they wear will explode killing everyone, so they have to defeat eachother until there is only one left.
Some play by the rules and try to kill as many as possible but others try to escape and team up to figure something out.

I don't see a 9th grade school class that have been friends for so many years to just be able to kill eachother, even considering the circumstances, I just don't. And how the whole battle royal would help lower crime to take som random class and killing them, it blow my mind. But well it is a movie and it doens't have to make all sence.

I actually
found the movie intressting and not as bad as i would have thought. Some of the situations were interesting
and others just insane.

My score is 6,5 out of 10. It feels like everything is quite random and unjustified but somehow i I liked it, maybe bacouse of the typical japanese style and feeling or the raw brutality that you seldom som teenagers use.
It probably is a mix of all those.

Trivia: a movie from 2009 who is most defenitly inspired by battle royal is "the tournament" where a bunch of hitmen from all over the world battle eachother until there is only one left. But battle royal is in my oppinion the better of those two.

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