Interview with a Reader
Interview with Reader of ortmastern blogg
1. Describe yourself shortly
I'm a student with a busy schedule. I don't have much time to watch bad movies so it's good to go to the blogg and see which ones to watch ;)
2. Why do you read
I don't have much time to watch many movies so it's nice to get inspiration from somewhere if the time to watch a movie comes. Also I read the blogg for pure entertainment, the reviews are always funny and "educationalist" like Ali G would say.
3. What was the latest movie you saw and what did you think?
I think it was machete, it was entertaining, it's a movie that you can watch without following the plot.
4. What is your all time favourite movie? Tell me about it.
V for vendetta I think. I like the idea how rationality must win and how the people fight against dogma and stupid hierarchy. The movie is exciting but doesn't contain to much violence or stupid action, it's overall good.
Random picture:
Here are som quick two alternative questions
Would you rather;
1. Eat 1 kg poo for breakfast every day for the rest of your life.
2. Amputate your legs and ride on a pony 24/7 for the rest of your life (even inside your house).
Answer and motivate: I'd eat the poo, I think i would learn to do it, perhaps I would puke but still the rest of my life would be the same!
1. Marry a retarded donkey and become it’s housewife and you are not allowed to leave your house for the rest of your life.
2. Not shower or change clothes for the rest of your life and every time you have to go to the toilet you have to do it in your pants.
Motivate: Not shower, I would live as a savage in the woods, there i don't have pants nor need a toilett. Would not be a good life i think but better than living with the monkey!
1. Watch sex and the city four hours every day for the rest of your life
2. Have an MP3 player with the Swedish singer Carola in your ears 24/7 playing the “catched by a storm-wind” on average loudness for the rest of your life.
Motivate: The carola song, i would still be able to do everything that i normally do but with the mp3 player. My ears would probably get destroyed though cause of the constant noise.
Here are some two alternative questions:
Coffee or tea? coffee!!!
Water of beer? BEEER :D
Britney Spears or Paris Hilton? Britney Spears since she does not own i Chihuahua I think??
Play station 3 or xbox360? Uhh, I can use the playstation as a toaster!
George Bush or Osama bin Ladin? Yuck, non of them!
What would you like to see more/less of in the future on the blog?
More of everything! I think the movie reviews are really good and entertaining, it's nice though when you comment on some other stuff!
Thank you for answering my questions, the word is yours to say whatever you want to the readers or me now:
Make more entries! Comment on more movies! Try to make the readers interact with the blogg, this interview is a good initiative, keep up the good work! :)
As an ending, here is another random picture for no reason.