Pirates babbling

Hm I don't feel like doing a movie review right now, I was supposed to have seen the new pirates of the carribean movie today but it didn't turn out that way. I'll probably watch it at some point and make a review about it then instead.
Maybe I'll just talk a little about the whole pirates series. I liked the first movie, it was the best of them all in my oppinion. I thought the second one was ok, watchable atleast but the third one was so aweful there are no words.
I mean there is a point even in fantasy movies where things have gone too far. A curse on a pirate ship that makes the pirates undead at night and all that is ok, but flying a ship of the earth and into the land of the dead and bringing people back to life and all that is in my oppinion just too much. My point is, expecting the fourth movie to follow the trend it will probably be worse than aweful, but I will try to be fair to it.

I also watched the movie "the ringer" Johnny Noxville's (from jackass) first leading role in a motion picture other than jackass of course. He plays a guy who trys to infiltrate a bunch of mentally handicaped people to win the paralympics to win a bunch of money. It's dangerous ground for a comedy to build humor at the expense of retards.
The movie ends up beeing a half-funny family comedy and the most cliché/predictable movie I have seen in a long time.
It was ok I guess. Oh here we go, I did a review although I said I wouln't, ah well might as well give it a score then.
Probably like 5,5 out of 10.


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