Wow I didn't remember how much I actually like writing. I like the idea of other people reading this and it motivates me to write more, even though I know that the only time people are here is when I put a link on facebook or something. I did contemplate moving the blog to a new site and give it a new name and adress and well I did.
But as it turns out I never liked the way it turned out enough to start making regular posts or anything, acctually I never made a single post there.
The name of this blog "ortmastaren" is bad too and not to mention the ".se" that's a swedish domain name.
I wanted to let people from all over the world read this and that is why I changed to english (quite recently)
The design also needs a makeover, it has been the same way for like three-four years and I never mustered the
strenght of mind to do something about it.
Besides doing everything that I mentioned above I also thought about mixing some other stuff in there.
Maybe have a movie rewiev friday or something and then write trivial stuff on the other days and be a bit more personal. Because the main reason people follow blogs is because they are interested in som weirdo who is writing, well I am not an intresting person, I'm not a celebrity or a 16-year old girl who buys clothes with her dads credit-card and puts the picture on the internet.
What I belive I can do is be genuine and write about stuff that matters to me or that I find interesting.
And some day maybe the renewed better blog will be up, if I can pull my thumbs out of my ass (as the saying goes)....
But as it turns out I never liked the way it turned out enough to start making regular posts or anything, acctually I never made a single post there.
The name of this blog "ortmastaren" is bad too and not to mention the ".se" that's a swedish domain name.
I wanted to let people from all over the world read this and that is why I changed to english (quite recently)
The design also needs a makeover, it has been the same way for like three-four years and I never mustered the
strenght of mind to do something about it.
Besides doing everything that I mentioned above I also thought about mixing some other stuff in there.
Maybe have a movie rewiev friday or something and then write trivial stuff on the other days and be a bit more personal. Because the main reason people follow blogs is because they are interested in som weirdo who is writing, well I am not an intresting person, I'm not a celebrity or a 16-year old girl who buys clothes with her dads credit-card and puts the picture on the internet.
What I belive I can do is be genuine and write about stuff that matters to me or that I find interesting.
And some day maybe the renewed better blog will be up, if I can pull my thumbs out of my ass (as the saying goes)....